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Weekly Pregnancy Guide - Week 38
Weight: 6.73 lbs 3053g
Length (CHL): 18.78" 47.7cm
Heart rate : 133 bpm
Congratulations, your baby is now officially considered "full term"! The vast majority of babies born now would have no problems.
Your baby's growth rate has slowed right down and may even have stopped. 
Your baby may have a full head of hair now and long fingernails.
The circumference of the head and abdomen are actually around the same at this time.
Your baby has been accummulating a lot of waste ("meconium") in the intestines, which will be part of your baby's first bowel movement after birth.
You may feel electrical sensations down your legs and inside your vagina. This is caused by your baby hitting nerves when settling into your pelvis.
Be aware of the difference between false and true labor contractions. False contractions are irregular and can be very painful, and may be felt in various parts of your body like your back, lower abdomen, and pelvis. True labor contractions start at the top of your uterus and then spread over the entire uterus, through your lower back and into the pelvis.


Week 38 Fetus Picture(s):week 4 embryo blastocyst


Week 38 pregnant belly picture:

week 2 - pregnant belly


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