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How to Earn Loyalty Points
As a member of the ParentWeb forum, you can get points for doing the following things:
Sign up for the forums = +0 points
(Plus +1,000 points for completely filling in your user information!)
Making new threads and by replying to existing posts:
Making a Post
<10 words = 0 points
10-49 words = 10 points
50-99 words = 15 points
100-199 words = 20 points
200-299 words = 25 points*
Create a new thread = +20 points
When other members post on a thread you created = +2 points
* Every additional 99 words thereafter gets an additional +5 points. There is a cap maximum at 50 points.
* Not all forum folders award loyalty points. Posts in the "Others" Section of the Forum will not earn you points.
* Not applicable for double posts, spam, and redundant posts. If an Administrator or a Moderator deletes a post that is redundant or considered spam, the points are automatically removed from the user.
Grow your forum reputation
Our forums are also governed by something called “karma.” When you write posts or open threads that other people think are important, you get karma points which translate into loyalty points too!
Giving a Karma point = +10 point
Receiving a Karma point = +20 points
Receiving a Negative Karma point = -20 points
* Only members with a minimum of 10 posts may add or remove karma points.
Negative Karma for spam posts, useless posts, "thank you" posts might lower your points! We created this feature to punish spammers and award hard working members of our community. Spammers should not get points for the spam they post on our forum! Less spam means great forum and more points for our loyal members.
Point building with excessive Karma will result in immediate ban.
Begging for Karma points are not allowed.
Referral Bonus
You gain referrals by promoting the BrillKids Forums to other people. When a friend you have referred to our site signs up through your referral link, you automatically receive points!
Refer a user = +20 points
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not spamming other websites with your referral links.
Any member who is caught abusing the system by referring oneself (multiple emails) and spamming other forums with their links shall be banned
from the BrillKids forums.
Add a Video to the Forum Video Gallery
Contributing a video to the Forum Video Gallery earns you points, too! Add videos covering a wide range of parenting topics!
You'll even earn points just reviewing someone else's video contributions!
Adding a YouTube Video to our video gallery = +20 points
Reviewing someone else's video = +10 points
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