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Weekly Pregnancy Guide - Week 6
Weight: <0.1oz <1g
Length (CRL): 0.06" 1.6mm
Heart rate : 85 bpm
The embryo starts to curve into a C-shape, and the head and tail ends become very distinct.
The neural tube develops into the brain and the spinal cord.
First heartbeats begin sometime this week! It begins at around 85 beats per minute (bpm), accelerating up to around 175bpm around the 10th week, then gradually decreases to around 130bpm by the time of birth. Note that this is just the average and individuals can vary quite a bit.
The central nervous system and circulatory system develop rapidly
This week tends to be worse than the previous week, and if you didn't experience pregnancy symptoms last week, this may be the time you do.
However, remember that everyone is different. For example, some women may crave certain foods, whereas others may find even the thought of it unbearable. Also, many may start to gain weight, but others (especially overweight women) may lose weight instead.
Your breasts probably feel heavier, tingle, and the areola (dark nipple portion) may become darker. Try to stay clear of cat litter boxes, as there is a risk of toxoplasmosis which can cause genetic defects.


Week 6 Fetus Picture(s):

week 4 embryo blastocyst

week 4 embryo blastocyst

Week 6 pregnant belly picture:

week 2 - pregnant belly


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