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Weekly Pregnancy Guide - Week 4
Weight: <0.1oz <1g
Length: <0.01" 0.2mm
Heart rate : N/A N/A
Implantation will occur if it hasn't already done so the week before.
Your baby is now an embryo, and the main part, the embryonic plate, is a two-layered disc. The top layer will become the main embryo and amniotic cavity, and the bottom layer the yolk sac.
A narrow line of cells known as the primitive streak appears, which is the future axis of the embryo.
The embryo is attached by a connecting stalk to the developing placenta, and this stalk will later become part of the umbilical cord.
A home pregnancy test on your urine may test positive by now.
You may start to experience pregnancy symptoms (e.g., feeling tired, having mood swings). However, many of these first symptoms resemble premenstrual symptoms, so if you haven't realized you're pregnant, you may mistakenly think they are just caused by your upcoming period.
Your intake of protein should double during pregnancy as protein is used to create new tissue. Make sure you also consume enough calcium (e.g., from dairy products and leafy green vegetables), as it is vital for the development of bones and teeth. Iron is also important to support your baby's increasing blood volume.


Week 4 Fetus Picture(s):

week 4 embryo blastocyst

week 4 embryo blastocyst

Week 4 pregnant belly picture:

week 2 - pregnant belly


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