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Weekly Pregnancy Guide - Week 23
Weight: 1.00 lbs 460g
Length (CRL): 7.17" 18.2cm
Heart rate : 145 bpm
Your baby's brain has entered a stage of rapid development.
Your baby has a wrinkled appearance because the skin is produced more quickly than the fat accumulates.
The eyes are fully formed, and the finger nails have grown to the end of the fingers.
Lanugo hair starts to turn darker now.
Even if born now, it is quite possible that your baby will survive, though intensive care will be needed.
The pigment that colors your baby's skin is being deposited this week.
Many pregnant women find it increasingly difficult to sleep as the pregnancy progresses, due to frequent urination, nasal congestion, heartburn, leg cramps, etc. Try having warm baths, relaxing music, reading, or a cup of herbal tea (though check with your doctor first) to help.
Also, doctors often recommend sleeping on your sides, rather than on the back, so that blood flow to the placenta is not restricted. Sleeping on your left side is also preferable for better blood flow due to the location of certain heart vessels.


Week 23 Fetus Picture(s):

week 4 embryo blastocyst

Week 23 pregnant belly picture:

week 2 - pregnant belly


General Introduction to Pregnancy
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