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Weekly Pregnancy Guide - Week 16
Weight: 3.2oz 90g
Length (CRL): 3.7" 9.4cm
Heart rate : 150 bpm
This may be the week you feel your baby's movements, which are sometimes called "flutters" or "butterflies". But not to worry if you don't feel them yet, as it may be as late as your 22nd week before you do.
The genitals are now developed sufficiently for an experienced gynecologist to determine the gender through the ultrasound.
The development of facial muscles allows for a variety of expressions such as squinting and frowning.
The head and neck are now much straighter than before.
You may begin to feel your baby move as early as this week. You will probably feel movements earlier if you have been pregnant before.
Mood swings are very normal during pregnancy. However, your baby will be able to "feel" your moods through the chemicals released by your body, so do try to maintain as upbeat a mood as possible, and avoid dwelling on negativities.
Throughout your pregnancy, take "fetal love breaks" a few times a day by patting and stroking your baby through your belly and sending loving thoughts and words.


Week 16 Fetus Picture(s):

week 4 embryo blastocyst

Week 16 pregnant belly picture:

week 2 - pregnant belly


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