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Cord Blood Banking
What's Cord Blood Banking?

The newest trend in parenting is to save your baby’s cord blood and bank it way, just in case your little one or a family member needs them. Scientists have discovered your baby’s cord and placental blood is rich with special cells called stem cells. You’ve probably heard of stem cell research and the controversy surrounding the issue. The good news is collection of your baby’s cord blood is simple, easy, and not controversial. Now is the time to look into this option, as cord blood can only be collected on the day of your baby’s birth.

Why Cord Blood? 
Stem cells are necessary for the body to repair or replace damaged cells of all types, including organ cells. Stem cells are found in bone marrow in the body, which is why bone marrow transplants are useful in some diseases. By storing your baby's cord blood, you're storing a source of healthy stem cells that can be used to cure certain diseases.

How is Cord Blood Collected? 
Collection of cord blood is simple, painless and non-controversial. The blood that’s inside the umbilical cord after it is snipped from the baby is removed by syringe. It’s placed in a special container supplied by the blood bank you have chosen to store the blood. A courier comes to the hospital, collects and delivers the blood to the bank, where it is frozen until needed. 

Who Should Look Into Storing Cord Blood? 
Families most apt to store cord blood are ones with a history of disease that may lead to the need for stem cell transplants, but anyone can store their baby’s cord blood for future use. Cord blood can be used to treat many kinds of leukemia and other cancers, bone marrow disorders and blood disorders like Sickle Cell Anemia, and more. Scientists hope to find uses for stem cells to ward off heart disease and various types of cancer in the near future.

If you're not interested in storing your baby's cord blood you could look into donating it to someone else in need. The American Red Cross or your doctor may be able to fill you in on donation procedures. It's free, painless and your baby's donation may save a life! 

Cord Banking Prices 
Cord blood banking isn’t unaffordable, but it’s not cheap, either. One popular cord blood bank charges $2,120 first year, which includes collection, courier service and storage fees. After the first year, they charge $125 a year storage fees that guaranteed not to change for the next 25 years. You can opt for a payment plan for the initial fees to help make it more affordable. Ask your doctor about cord blood banks in your area.

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